It's the new year and everywhere you look there is a shop or someone trying to sell you the latest home gym piece of equipment that will...
The Benefits Of Weight Training During Pregnancy.
I have spoken about weight training while pregnant before but now that my wife has given birth and my little boy has been born, I wanted...
The Psychology of Exercise
'The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes' I am a true believer that the mind plays a huge role in absolutely everything we do and in...
Is He or She the right trainer for you?
I'm coming across more and more Personal Trainers who are offering 'Body Transformation' deals, claiming they are "Body Transformation...
Pregnancy and Training
Pregnancy is obviously a life changing event and being a man, I can't say that I know how it feels; however my wife is currently pregnant...
Online Coaching, Do Your Research.....
I've covered this topic before; however I see more and more of it happening everyday! If you're looking for some help to ultimately get...
How to eat right....train right and lose body fat!
The wonderful world of nutrition. For most people nutrition is one of the hardest things to get right, mainly because there are so many...
Devon Physique....The Aftermath
I wrote a blog a week or two ago about "Apparant fitness professionals" particularly on Instagram selling you training and nutrition...
Weights and Women
This subject I have touched upon before on my website but I'd like to just make the point again. Weight/resistance training will NOT make...
Online Plans by apparent fitness professionals.
I'm writing about this topic as there are numerous amounts of apparent 'fitness professionals' out there on social media, particularly...